Friday, 8/16 I get the call. The Boss is definitely ready to come home. Cut the day short at work and drove to Greensboro, NC and met my brother. We had a nice dinner (spicy Thai!) a few good beers and polished the night off with a very good 40 year old single malt.
Next day, we head to Whitby. Turns out, Jeff had a bit of a surprise for me and a select few of the local Factory 5 owners. I met Dave Smith, owner & president of Factory 5 and the #1 F5 Guy.

Then of course, there’s the car. It is freeking gorgeous. Whitby sure does take their time doing the work, but when it’s done, it’s beautiful.

The paint and bodywork is done and beautiful. Lots of compliments from everyone there… even Mr. Smith. 🙂 Roll bars are polished (remember that mess?) Everything opens and closes with a nice click. Heater defrost vent is installed, roll bars are all drilled (they are now just sitting for ease of transport).

I fired it up on open headers and drove it out to the trailer, got her loaded up, paid my bill and headed home.

Made a nice trip home. No issues. Got her home and my good friend was nearby, so she came over and helped offload. We took a great video, but for some reason, cant upload to this blog. Have to work on that.
So anyways, The Boss is home and I’m ready to get started on the final items. Stay tuned, its gonna be a fun fall…